Getting Involved

Strong Towns PDX is fully volunteer-run and led. Get involved, and volunteer with us!

First, sign up here for our email list and Slack – that’s it, you’re now a member!

We welcome you to attend an event in-person. Check out our calendar for upcoming events.

We also maintain an online discussion space within the national Strong Towns Slack. Once you’ve joined Slack, find us in the channels with the #strongtownspdx- prefix.

We’re also working on a welcome packet for our new members – stay tuned.

Take a look below to see what a jam packed day in the life of a Strong Towns PDX member might look like.

Hosting a GIS workshop for our members

Calculating the value-per-acre of land in Downtown Portland

Joining a bike ride exploring tactical urbanism in Portland

Sharing information with the community on Strong Towns and gathering input on pedestrian plazas and street design

Crafting transportation testimony together in our Slack

Attending local urbanist events with other members

Attending a monthly informal hangout

Painting marked crosswalks with your neighbors

Learning about advocacy and residential infill housing at our monthly meeting